Have you ever wanted to make your raw butter a little sweeter? A few weeks ago, we released a classic cinnamon sugar raw butter toast recipe, and this one is very similar! Sweet, buttery treats are the perfect way to kickstart the cooler, fall season. Let’s get into it, shall we? 🧈🍂

In this blog, we’re featuring a recipe created by one of our fans. We LOVE when customers post and tag us on Instagram with their amazing recipes. We get inspired, and we love to share the recipe inspiration with you. You can never get enough healthy recipe ideas. Who knows, maybe YOUR raw dairy recipe could end up on our blog one day! 😉 (Find us on Instagram: @raw_farm_by_op)


First off, you may be wondering, what the heck even is RAW butter? What does that mean? How is it better for you? Well, let me explain. Raw Butter is the real, raw deal. Simply put, raw butter is butter that has not been pasteurized (heated), therefore still containing active enzymes, beneficial bacteria, and probiotics. Our raw butter is made from cold-churned Heavy Raw Cream. It is as simple as that: cold cream put into a butter churner for 30-40 minutes until it becomes butter. No added flavorings or colorings. RAW FARM’s yellow color comes naturally from year-round grass-grazing. Its color will vary with the season; springtime brings the brightest color. RAW FARM Raw butter has an average of 87% butterfat, which means this baby is almost ENTIRELY pure raw nutrient-dense fat.

Here is a helpful video that shows you exactly how we MAKE our artisanal Raw Butter:

The world’s best butter is artisanally crafted right here in America by RAW FARM (Fresno, CA) and contains only two 100% natural ingredients: Grade A Raw Heavy Cream and Cultures (or) Kosher Sea Salt. We offer both an unsalted, cultured raw butter and a lightly salted raw butter available at sprouts in California.


This special raw honey butter recipe is from one of our talented customers, Eryn Sotelo, who is known as @hippiehypegirl on Instagram! She is a homeschoolin’, homebirthin’ mama who is passionate about non-toxic products, natural remedies, and creating a healthier lifestyle for her herself, her family, and her followers.



  • 1 tub of RAW FARM Cultured Unsalted Raw Butter, room temperature (read more about how to store raw butter here).

  • 1 tablespoon of organic cinnamon powder

  • A LOT of raw honey! Adjust sweetness to choice. Start with 1/4 cup.

  • A pinch of sea salt


  • Start by leaving your container of RAW FARM raw butter on the counter for a couple of hours to soften at room temperature. Mixing either directly into the tub, or using a stand mixer, add cinnamon powder and raw honey.

  • Stir until combined evenly.

  • Add a pinch of salt to bring out the flavor.

  • Enjoy! Spread onto toast, eat by the spoonful, or use as an amazing topping for cinnamon rolls, muffins, cookies, and more. There are so many delicious fall treats you can incorporate this recipe into! 😍

Notes from Eryn: “Guys this hack is so helpful for those mornings you need your kids to eat and eat fast! I keep regular butter in hand and a tub of this ready to go. 🏃‍♀️” - @hippiehypegirl


(how to make a) RAW BUTTER BOARD


*Raw* Pumpkin Iced Latte