What is raw milk? Raw milk is fresh, unprocessed milk that hasn’t been heated so it keeps its important, nutrient dense properties in place. Raw milk is full of beneficial bacteria, important nutrients, and enzymes that help with digestion. Our raw milk comes from our very own grass grazed cows in Fresno, CA! Raw milk, when produced carefully and tested, is safe. We have a world renowned Test and Hold program which you can read about here. Many people across the country are loving raw milk, and enjoying it in a variety of ways: raw cream (oh so yummy in coffee), raw butter, raw kefir, and nationally people are loving raw milk cheese in their diets.

Raw milk is easy to digest

Raw milk has been around for centuries. It’s what our ancestors thrived on for years! Pasteurization (the process of heating raw milk) is relatively new (late 1800’s). It was created to make milk safer to consume, but at the great cost of losing nutrients, bacteria, and enzymes that help with digestion and are what make raw milk so nutritious. When raw milk is from healthy, happy cows and is TESTED for food safety, pasteurization isn’t necessary. We would rather have delicious, unaltered milk as nature intended than heat it and take it away from its natural state. It is reported that 30,000,000- 50,000,000 Americans have digestive issues with dairy products. This is from pasteurized milk, not raw milk. An important enzyme that is missing from pasteurized milk is lactase, an enzyme that processes lactose (the milk sugars). Without this helpful enzyme, many people cannot digest pasteurized dairy products. But, with raw milk, this important enzyme is in tact! Raw milk is full of lacto-bicillius bacteria that facilitate the production of lactase enzyme in the intestinal tract, and this is why it makes sense that so many people have reported improvements in digestive issues from drinking raw milk.



One of the leading questions we are asked when sampling our delicious raw milk at events is, “can I digest raw milk?” It is overwhelming just how many people have a sensitivity to processed milk. Stomach cramps, bloating, discomfort, and other commonly noted symptoms are what consumers say they feel when they consume processed milk. Why? (We will get to that below) This article was written to start a bigger conversation that needs to be had! Raw milk does not cause digestive discomfort or milk “negative digestive reactions”. Basically, when someone drinks raw milk… they are able to enjoy their glass with ease.


In America, there are hundreds of milk alternative brands that claim that those who are sensitive to dairy products can easily consume their products without digestive issues. What they are NOT telling you is how processed the food is or how altered the ingredients are remaining inside the product. Below is a chart that compares raw milk to the MANY milk alternatives that are commonly found in the dairy case marketplace:

A wide variety of HIGHLY PROCESSED non-dairy milk alternatives have become popular over the past decade, including:

  • Almond milk: Made from almonds, this plant-based alternative is lower in calories and fat than cow’s milk. *Most retail brands are fortified, standardizes, sweetened, preserved, thickened, homogenized, artificial flavors, and pasteurized.

  • Coconut milk: This tropical drink made from coconut flesh and water has a creamy texture and mild flavor. *Most retail brands are fortified, standardizes, sweetened, preserved, thickened, homogenized, artificial flavors, and pasteurized.

  • Cashew milk: Cashews and water combine to make this subtly sweet and rich substitute. *Most retail brands are fortified, standardizes, sweetened, preserved, thickened, homogenized, artificial flavors, and pasteurized.

  • Soy milk: Contains a similar amount of protein as cow’s milk and has a mild flavor. *Most retail brands are fortified, standardizes, sweetened, preserved, thickened, homogenized, and pasteurized.

  • Hemp milk: This alternative is made from hemp seeds and provides a good amount of high quality, plant-based protein. *Most retail brands are fortified, standardizes, sweetened, preserved, thickened, homogenized, artificial flavors, and pasteurized.

  • Oat milk: This substitute is very mild in flavor with a thicker consistency, making it a great addition to coffee. *Most retail brands are fortified, standardizes, sweetened, preserved, thickened, homogenized, artificial flavors, and pasteurized.

  • Rice milk: A great option for those with sensitivities or allergies, as it’s the least allergenic of all nondairy milk. *Most retail brands are fortified, standardizes, sweetened, preserved, thickened, homogenized, artificial flavors, and pasteurized.

When choosing a nondairy milk substitute, keep in mind that many of these products contain added ingredients like sweeteners, artificial flavors, preservatives, and thickeners. If possible, stick to unsweetened varieties to limit the amount of added sugar in your diet.


Many people drink raw milk because it is great for their health! RAW FARM Whole Raw Milk is unprocessed and complete with bioavailable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, beneficial bacteria, naturally occurring CLA, and omega-3 fatty acids. Absolutely NO antibiotics, synthetic hormones, or GMOs anything. Customers with dairy sensitivities have a delicious, nutritious, and natural alternative in this unaltered, wholesome product.

Drinking raw milk can help with:

  • Weight loss. Drinking (3) cups of raw milk daily can help satiate your body, and you will likely crave less junk food. When you are craving something sweet and creamy, drink a glass of raw milk! You’ll feel amazing and your body will thank you. Instead of choosing a processed snack option, drink a cup of Whole Raw Kefir or a helping of raw milk cheddar cheese.

  • Improving Skin Health. Do you think about why many skin care companies use avocado oil, shea butter, and coconut oil in their products? This is because our skin craves healthy fats to thrive. Fats are nourishing and hydrating. It is BEST to add healthy RAW dairy products into your skin care routine. Try a Raw Kefir Facial, or you can add raw butter on your skin topically. We also recommend drinking plenty of raw milk and eating raw dairy products in your diet because consuming these nourishing foods will improve your skin health too, and lead to skin that glows!

  • Improving your mood. Adding raw dairy products into your diet is likely to improve your mood. Raw dairy is an ALIVE food! It is full of life, which come from bacteria. Bacteria are alive and eating them will help you feel alive, too. What is really going on is that the bacteria (probiotics) are replenishing your gut microbiome. Many people have damaged guts due to processed foods, the environment, and antibiotics, and you can promote good gut health by adding raw probiotics into your diet. If we want to go even deeper, we can talk about how diet and mood are related scientifically. There is a connection between what you eat and how you feel. Eating foods that are healthy for you can help your body produce dopamine and serotonin (feel good hormones). You’ll notice it right away when you drink raw milk!

  • Healthy bones. Raw milk is a great food for all ages (toddlers, children, teenagers, adults, older adults). It is great for bone health! Whether you are growing and developing, or maintaining a healthy bone structure, raw milk will support your body.

  • Exercise. Not only will raw milk give you great energy, but it has electrolytes that will keep you hydrated, and as I explained above, nutrients that will keep your body nourished. It is why so many athletes (daily gym goers, NFL players, hockey players, NBL and more are drinking raw milk daily. Watch on Instagram how many athletes are enjoying raw milk daily! Follow us on Instagram!


