Our customers love their raw butter. It is one of the most desired products we offer! Many people have never tried raw butter before, and they are very excited to try it. But, there are lingering questions about raw butter. What is it? Does it taste different? How is it different than regular butter? Keep reading to find out.

What is raw butter?

RAW FARM Raw Butter is made from cold churned heavy raw cream (separated from whole raw milk). We offer two variations of raw butter: Cultured unsalted raw butter and lightly salted butter. Both are made from heavy raw cream, but the unsalted version is cultured with a European-style butter culture (no salt or coloring added). It is sweet and easy to spread. While salted raw butter is made from cold-churned raw cream with kosher sea salt added. We use all Natural, Chemical- Free, Kosher Certified, Pure Ocean Premium Sea Salt. Remember, that raw butter is a living product. It is full of beneficial bacteria that are constantly evolving. This is what makes it a rich, probiotic option; and when you have a little bit of it, your body will crave more!


Because raw butter is a living and breathing product, it is going to taste and smell differently than pasteurized butter. Our cultured raw butter can have a cheesy or “parmasean” smell because of the culturing process it goes through when we make it. A “cheesy smell” is completely normal for a cultured raw butter! Remember that pasteurized butter is a dead product, made from heavy cream (which often has added gums and fillers) that is heated to extreme temperatures to kill all bacteria for food safety purposes. We proudly test our products for food safety rather than pasteurize and preserve al of the wonderful benefits of butter. Due to the heating process, pasteurized dairy is void of beneficial bacteria and enzymes which help your body break down lactose and digest the product easily. Interestingly, because pasteurized dairy products are void of important bacteria, they are often fresh until they aren’t anymore, and then they turn rancid and moldy. While raw dairy products rarely expire, go “bad”, or mold; they simply sour and evolve, and are still safe to consume sour. In other words, raw dairy products go through a beautiful, natural evolution of flavor, while pasteurized dairy products simply go bad and are unsafe to eat after that point.

Secondly, raw butter does have a potent smell because it is a cultured product. It is how real butter is SUPPOSED to smell and taste like. We’re just not used to it because we’re used to pasteurized butter. But, our butter is fresh and raw, and it naturally evolves over time, due to the cultures. Raw butter has a very unique flavor profile. It is more tart than typical store bought, pasteurized butter. It is smooth, creamy, and delicious. It’s best enjoyed at room temperature so all of the lovely flavors can fully develop. Simply take your portion of out the fridge 30 minutes to an hour before using. Raw butter is light on the body, and its full flavor represents the luscious green grass our cows graze on. 


How to store raw butter

Another question that may pop into your mind is, “How do I store raw butter?” You can store raw butter in the refrigerator (our recommendation), and you can absolutely store raw butter on the counter. If that is your preference, we recommend taking a portion of raw butter (1 stick at a time) and storing it on the counter in a glass butter dish. You can store the remainder of the sticks in the fridge to maintain freshness for longer. When left on the counter, raw butter will become more rich, bold, and flavorful. It will also develop a slight smell of parmigiano reggiano cheese. That is what you WANT raw butter to be like! This exquisite flavor and richness is not experienced with pasteurized butter because the bacteria are dead. Raw butter is more alive and rich in flavor and color; its color deepens overtime. Not to forget, it’s a natural probiotic that has a plethora of health benefits to offer. It is a truly wonderful experience to watch raw butter evolve on the counter!

shelf life of raw butter

On all of our products, we have a best use by date. We give our raw butter 60 days from when it is made to when we “expect” the raw butter to begin its early stages of evolution. When it evolves it doesn’t go bad. It rarely goes “bad”, it simply sours and evolves, and develops a parmesan flavor. I don’t mind that flavor, actually. All in all, we suggest enjoying it within the 60 days to make it easy. You can also freeze it for up to a year. :) 


What’s the difference between raw butter and pasteurized butter? Can you use them in the same ways? You absolutely can! In fact, we argue that raw butter is even better. It is more flavorful, more nutrient dense, and offers beneficial bacteria and enzymes for digestion which pasteurized butter and pasteurized dairy products lack. Read more about why raw butter is better here.


  • Toast with raw butter and avocado

  • Top your steaks (or other protein) with raw butter

  • Create a sauce with raw butter

  • Make raw buttercream icing for cakes, cupcakes, and muffins

  • Cook and bake with raw butter. Learn about what happens when heat raw dairy products here.

  • Enjoy a spoonful on its own! Add raw honey for a special treat. 😍
