Did you know 30,000,000-50,000,000 Americans identify with having digestive issues with processed milk products? That’s a BIG number. That’s a lot of Americans that are needing healthier guts and raw dairy, badly! Every day the popularity and amount of people who are drinking raw milk is growing, rapidly. In fact, a large group of these raw milk drinkers claim they formerly had “milk issues” with pasteurized dairy products. Since making “THE RAW MILK SWITCH” and adding raw dairy products into their diets they are THRIVING! If you are somebody who has struggled desperately to digest dairy for years, there is hope for you yet. We are optimistic that YOU may be able to enjoy dairy again, too!


The most important thing to know is that all dairy isn’t the same. The average gallon of milk or block of cheese found in the supermarket is vastly different from a gallon of raw milk or a block of raw cheese purchased from your local raw dairy man. The breed of cow, the way of the cow’s life, the cow’s diet, and how the milk is processed once it’s collected can all be very different. At RAW FARM, our cows roam on pasture throughout the year, and we provide them with a non-GMO supplemental feed in a shaded area where they can rest. They get plenty of sunshine daily and there is no shortage of fresh air (we do not have enclosed barns, just open shade structures). Our cows and our environment are frequently tested to ensure a safe environment; our cows’s udders are cleaned 2x daily before and after milking, ensuring that the final product (raw milk) is delicious and safe. Additionally, we test our raw milk for any dangerous pathogens or impurities. The final product is unprocessed, whole, nutrient dense, RAW, and probiotic. Our raw milk is NEVER pasteurized (heated), homogenized (crushed), fortified (enhanced), or otherwise altered. EVER. On the other hand, milk produced at a pasteurized dairy plant is heated to kill dangerous pathogens and bacteria. Unfortunately, pasteurization doesn’t discriminate and kills all bacteria, good and bad. The heating process is likely to damage important nutrient structures as well. No wonder millions of Americans struggle to digest pasteurized dairy products!


The best part about raw milk is that raw dairy products are filled with natural beneficial components that play an integral role in improving your health. And do you know what the most amazing part is? You can enjoy this delicious raw milk without having to worry about digestion issues. For example, raw milk is full of beneficial bacteria and active enzymes which help your body digest the milk. The bacteria in raw milk instigate the production of lactase enzyme in your gut tract, the enzyme needed to properly digest lactose (the milk sugars). Without a natural presence of lactase in the body, it is incredibly hard to digest lactose. The natural components found in raw dairy products are unlike ANY “milk alternatives”. Nothing is added to enhance or stabilize this life-giving food. Enjoy our products without any “tummy issues” or milk sensitivities. So, enjoy milk again when you drink RAW FARM raw milk products!


If you are one of the lucky ones who have a healthy digestive system and currently enjoy dairy products, you should be able to enjoy our raw milk right away. Start with a cup of milk. It will be very tempting to guzzle the whole bottle in one sitting, it’s that delicious. Just remember, you are now drinking the real deal milk, filled with so many healthy bacteria and nutrients. Your body may need some time to welcome these wonderful bacteria into your gut. If you have a sensitive digestive system, it is very important pay close attention to how your body responds to food. We recommend you introduce our raw dairy products slowly. For example, if you have severe digestive issues, then start with a 1/4 cup of our RAW FARM whole raw milk. Wait for several hours before drinking another 1/4 cup. Go very slowly. Remember, raw dairy hosts many wonderful bacteria that are unique to our gut flora. Most people do not have a healthy gut flora due to antibiotic use, eating foods containing preservatives, environmental toxins, and chronic inflammatory diseases, just to name a few! Recovery is a very slow process for those affected. The bacteria or candida that resides in your gut will be replaced with new healthy bacteria. This could cause slight tummy upset or changes in stool. This is natural and expected. Bacteria are always fighting to be dominant. I call it the ‘battle of the bacteria. Another great option if you have a very sensitive digestive system is to try our raw kefir first. RAW FARM raw kefir is a super probiotic and can help replenish your gut flora quickly. Be patient. In time, most people recover their damaged gut microbiome. This is life-changing! With that said, we have thoroughly enjoyed hearing customer stories about chugging our raw milk for their first try and never having to go slow. So, go with your “gut” and drink slowly if you feel your gut is needing to go slowly.

We offer a variety of products for you to enjoy at RAW FARM!


